Travel bug.

As I embark on an exciting new journey traveling on the Kellogg's Tour of Gymnastics Champions to 40 cities nationwide, I figured I would keep my dear friends and family in the loop on my life for the next couple of months. Little time to talk on Tour, so hopefully this satisfies your tastebuds until I see you in November.

Lots of X's and O's.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Oh boy. It's a boy!

Attention all baby-lovers:

I am so delighted to report that one of my best friends on the face of this planet is having a baby boy in January! Got the news a few days back, but as you can see I am days behind time in the 'real world' since I am currently stuck in fantasy land. Abby and Jeff are going to be the funniest pair of parents (in the best way possible). I can assure you that mommy will have every single last detail planned prior to the baby's arrival. This includes color coordinated everything and a to-do list waiting for the boy right when he comes out of the womb. 

On a serious note, it has been an amazing experience to watch both Abby and Jeff grow as a couple and I can only imagine what great role models they will be to their future bundle o' joy. God bless both of these wonderful people. So happy for them and so happy to have them in my life. 

From an excited soon-to-be Auntie, 

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