Travel bug.

As I embark on an exciting new journey traveling on the Kellogg's Tour of Gymnastics Champions to 40 cities nationwide, I figured I would keep my dear friends and family in the loop on my life for the next couple of months. Little time to talk on Tour, so hopefully this satisfies your tastebuds until I see you in November.

Lots of X's and O's.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I've got sunshine.

Time is flying on the road! I can't believe we have less than one month left. Before I know it, I will be back to my stomping grounds. Very much looking forward to that, but enjoying the ride while it lasts. 

I have spent two full days in one city this week- a rarity, I might add. Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, I have resided in Louisville, Kentucky with a few of my co-workers; Jill and Jill. Not to be confused with Jack and Jill (although, that would make my life much easier). I might suggest that in our staff meeting tomorrow...

Jill, Jill and I spent today working from our mobile office; at a restaurant a few miles from our hotel. Catching a few rays of sunshine for a few minutes today made us all very, very happy campers. It's the little things in life...

As you can imagine, we rarely see the sun, as we move from hotel to bus to venue to bus to hotel every day. Can't tell you the last time I had a sunburn. But, boy am I thankful for this one. For my mothers sanity, I have to let you know that I was wearing SPF 15.  

More to come. Hold your breath. 

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