Travel bug.

As I embark on an exciting new journey traveling on the Kellogg's Tour of Gymnastics Champions to 40 cities nationwide, I figured I would keep my dear friends and family in the loop on my life for the next couple of months. Little time to talk on Tour, so hopefully this satisfies your tastebuds until I see you in November.

Lots of X's and O's.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Keep on keepin' on.

So, first and foremost I must report that Salt Lake City (the Mormon capital of the US) is so incredibly pretty! I could definitely die happy in this place. We have wasted absolutely zero time moving onto the next city. All 5 buses and those who travel in them are on our way to Colorado Springs, which isn't too shabby either. 11 hours to go, so practically no time at all! Sleeping pill, please and thanks.

Thank God for social media and videos from my fabulous friends. For one reason another (maybe the change in weather, or my crazy schedule which leaves me little time to catch up with everyone), I had the slightest twinge of being homesick. It was most likely the combination of Pearl's constant phone calls that I cant help but miss and the fact that I wasnt able to make it to the Josh Turner concert with my fambam tonight. Oh well - must keep on keepin' on.

Tomorrow will be the first Friday in I don't know how long where we will not have a show. We plan to have a group run with the cast. Can't wait!

Much more later,

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