Travel bug.

As I embark on an exciting new journey traveling on the Kellogg's Tour of Gymnastics Champions to 40 cities nationwide, I figured I would keep my dear friends and family in the loop on my life for the next couple of months. Little time to talk on Tour, so hopefully this satisfies your tastebuds until I see you in November.

Lots of X's and O's.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Motor home memories.

Living on a Tour bus is definitely a challenge and a change of pace for me --and most people for that matter. Here are just a few (of the many) reasons why:
1. Privacy doesn't exist.
2. You have strict rules on where you can and can't store your stuff. This is pretty problematic for me and my bad habit of being a compulsive packrat.
3. The bathroom smells horrible, no matter how clean it is.
4. Even being the 5'2 little stinker that I am, I always, without fail hit my head on the top of my bunk. I have a nice collection of bumps to prove it.
5. Privacy doesn't exist.

On the bright side of things, I truly enjoy being on the bus with everyone. The good outweighs the bad (by far). Whether working, reading, catching up with the outside world, or praying that I make it thru November 18, 2012, I am happy to be surrounded by happy people - even if it is in close quarters. We collectively burn about 10,000 calories per night and are damn proud of it.

Being on the tour bus reminds me of my sweet Pop who left this world for a better life just a few years ago. He always took our family on road trips across the country in his motor home. I remember each and every trip we took to Florida for what seems like 10 summers in a row. I clearly recall the day I got entirely too much sun after i soaked my white skin with baby oil. My mom made me lay out on the pull out couch in the motor home in my underwear with aloe from head to toe. What torture! I can assure you this kind of exposure will not take place on our Tour bus. In fact- it's a promise.

Tucking in for the night.

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