Travel bug.

As I embark on an exciting new journey traveling on the Kellogg's Tour of Gymnastics Champions to 40 cities nationwide, I figured I would keep my dear friends and family in the loop on my life for the next couple of months. Little time to talk on Tour, so hopefully this satisfies your tastebuds until I see you in November.

Lots of X's and O's.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

True roadie life.

I now know what it is like to be a true roadie after my trip on the 'Crew bus', as we drove from Seattle, Washington to Boise, Idaho last night. A nine hour ride on the bus with no show the next day is a recipe for disaster. Sweet, little Adrienne had every single intention of getting to know all members of the Tour - including the crew. I was not-so-easily persuaded to join the guys on a bus with 10 plus testosterone-driven males, from age 22-52. That being said, you can imagine that these crew guys had one thing on their mind: Beer. And lots of it. After 2 hours, I was happy to retire to my cozy claustrophobic bunk. Let's just say when they invited me to partake tonight, I kindly declined. 

I did a complete 180 today and gladly participated in spa day with the girls. Hot stone massage was just what the Dr. ordered. Also tried to run this sore throat out of my system. Fingers double crossed that I did, as I have no time for this sick business. 

Coming back home to my homies on the Management Bus tonight. And HAPPY about it. 

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